Happy Snaps from HPV Super Series Round 1, 2010, Adelaide

Whoa... Someone was watching Brocky too closely last year

Jordy has post ride cramps which seems to have rubbed off on the pits next door too.

There it is, the infamous ExPats Wave

This rider gave the ExPats boys some advice at scrutineering on how to build trikes - from recycled timber?

Hey, HEY, put me back at the front of the grid, seriously... I can ride really really quick!

Looks like someone has already taken a few bites out of this Great White.

Is this how I put the hand brake on Dad?

Going so fast he blew his helmet off

Someone's being watching too many Hitler parodies on YouTube

This guy needed a hand on the parade lap just to get up the hill on the first corner

The pre-ride warm up leads to post ride knackeredville, Paul looked a lot happier in the trailer!

A road trip to Adelaide leaves a LOT of time to fill in in the back seat, just ask Luigi

Pit crew chow-down and a lot of people needed to make repairs to the Caining TruBlu's new canopy took!

It'd help if this trike's back wheel had been done up, luckily TruBlu & ExPats teams were on hand to fix it.

There you go Wade, you got your product placement - happy now?

What's the bet Dad was a stock car driver?

BJ... tell me again, why is it we had to use my jacket to keep the rain off?

Next country into the Olympic stadium is...

Hey Russell, this is what should be underneath your strides!

One from the "WTF were they thinking category?" Reo cabled tied to the PET door. Bilbo knows best tho.
Another "what were they thinking", this Avatar looks to have under gone some serious remodelling!

It started in pristine condition, but one-by-one the TruBluCru did 24hrs damage in 6.

Beno out for a Sunday drive and doing a bit of camera spotting.