Maryborough RACV Energy Breakthrough, 2008
I've been asked a few times again recently when this race report will be up, and to be honest I'm not sure it will ever. There's so many things that needed to be said as a result of what transpired during (and before) the race with the Highview Open team, but none of it being said here will in any way fix what went wrong or help efforts to prevent it re-occurring. The end result itself sadly sums things up pretty much and works as a direct enough reply to this comment. The lessons learnt with the Padua Open team on the other hand proved that smaller incremental changes is still the safest way to move forward.

Above: Strugling for pace and showing the battle scars of perhaps trying too many new/different ideas in one race, compared with the incremental improvements below which set a new lap record minutes from the end of the race.
