ExPats HPV Racing at Adelaide Round 2, 2008

ExPats Pre-Race Training Methods Loitering around the BYR repairs centre

I believe some rude BYR person texted Ty something along the lines of
"nice boots, do they come in mens?" - edited to be fit for publication.
Apparently not the only time they were accused of inappropriate texting
over the weekend either. Play nice boys!

BYR repairs centre Saturday arvo. It must have taken them half an hour to get that front left
wheel replaced - lucky for them their blown tyre during the race was a right hand one!

Bluddy long way to drive to be told you can't play footy in the caravan park, eh boys!

Warming up the engine...

Only to end up riding blind - Cal must've been riding on feel alone I reckon!

Looks like he's lovin' it!

Wrong way Charlie is at it again... Smooth Tim, smooth 

"Damn! We've just bought this off the Deakin Team, what am I going to tell the others!"

Before and after shots after a major bingle at crash corner that shattered the windscreens!

BYR black-flagged, wrongly so it ended up, but Chooka was taking no chances and ripped the
off as he was getting a little hot under collar!

Ughhh... This marshall really struggled to get this guy upright again!

Ooh yeah... someone's excited. Extra bonus points for spotting the Ex-ExPats rider in the background.

The motivational broken chair didn't work this time around

What happens when you eat 6 bananas just before riding Ty? Yup, you leave stinky stains on your shorts!

Someone else is excited, and with good cause... Blueshift riders taking out 1st place again.