Bendigo Madison HPV Pursuit, 2009

Hmm... shouldn't those wheels be point towards the track?

Team Lucas in action in a support role

And... in face pulling roles, er, I mean, competition roles

Most people put their shoes on before they get in the trike Kyle!

Brock ready & raring to go...

This guy was so stuffed after his heat he took a shortcut, across the grass which was much harder going.

We start 'em early at ExPats Racing and... To the victor goes the flowers?

C-J Brothers post demo race, chundagutz actually won this one!

A Bandicoot faced Henry & Colin Hogan post track cycling crash

And here's the crash scene moments after it happened

Speaking of crashes... this one was during the women's criterion on Friday night.

I'm pretty sure the guy in red just farted! Now, that is a bright bike!

Finishing with something random sighted in the sky during the Friday night criterion.