Happy Snaps - Super Series Round 3, 2009

Someone extra in the team photo this year

Bullseye Mike

Phantom boys taking Just-in-Time a bit further than usual...

Ok, now this is just ridiculous, we're 4 hours into the race and Tim is still building the "night time" Top fairing

Someone got Naca duct's and Duct tape (rolls) confused, but probably still got the effect required

Paul: "No Des, you didn't win, you have to give the trophy back now" | Hey, Paul, I got this one

Miss Fashion Statement picking up an award | Is John T getting shorter?

I bet their faces were hurting by now! | David with the Maverick "aviators"

Speaking of Dave... he's obviously worked on his flag waving technique, but after doing
this to all 228 vehicles he looked like he needed to work on his stamina for next year

Mr Fashion-plate couldn't quite cut it with the trike riders this year - nice tank top too

Paul looks like he's getting ready to do some more live stand-up and wanting to hide behind Rob | Reflecting

Err, umm... you be the judge!

Now now Joshy, that's no way to wave to a fellow photographer!

Mr Angry | One of these bears is not like the other...

HPV is FUN - someone forgot to tell him, it's also damn hard work!

This is what marshall damage can look like

There's something about this that reminds me of Cylons | Left, Left, Left-Right-Left...

The problem with shaving your legs is...

Clancy & Ealesy in their Ballistic gear |
Nankervis Bothers, Rowan: "Russell, if I had legs as skinny as your's I'd pedal at around 150 cadence too"

Give us a kiss darl

Word to the wise, when trying to avoid a photo opp, don't stick your bum in the air instead!

Mr Fancy-Pants at it again.